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Innovating with Insights: Lessons from CRMs for Transforming Innovation Management

Janne Roihu


May 25, 2024

In today’s fast-paced business environment, leveraging technology to enhance In the past decade, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems have revolutionized the way sales teams operate, driving efficiency and enhancing customer interactions. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global CRM market was valued at $65 billion in 2023, demonstrating the growing reliance on these tools across industries. Salesforce, a leader in the CRM space, notes that "companies that adopt CRM see a 29% increase in sales" due to improved data management and streamlined processes.

Similarly, we are now witnessing a transformative wave in the field of business renewal and innovation management. Just as CRMs have reshaped sales, advanced technologies and methodologies are beginning to redefine how companies innovate and renew their business strategies. This article explores how innovation management is undergoing a transformation, drawing parallels to the CRM revolution and highlighting the potential for significant business growth and adaptation.

The CRM Revolution in Sales Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems have fundamentally changed the landscape of sales management. At their core, CRMs are designed to centralize and streamline customer interactions and data management, providing sales teams with a comprehensive view of their customer base. This centralization not only enhances customer service but also improves sales forecasting, enabling teams to predict future sales trends more accurately.

Traditional vs. Modern Sales Management

Traditional sales management often relied on fragmented data and manual processes, leading to inefficiencies and inconsistencies. Modern CRM systems, however, provide a unified approach to sales management. This shift is akin to moving from a traditional to a modern mindset in sales leadership, where the focus is on leveraging data and technology to enhance sales performance.

Key Benefits of CRM Systems

Here are some of the key benefits and reasons why majority of modern sales organisations have adopted CRMs in 00s.

1. Guiding Sales Teams

Modern sales management involves guiding sales teams to achieve their targets. CRMs play a crucial role by providing actionable insights and structured processes that help salespeople stay on track. For instance, CRM systems can help sales managers:

• Set and monitor sales goals

• Provide real-time feedback and support

• Identify training needs and opportunities for development

2. Creating a Framework for Success

CRMs create a conducive environment for sales success by:

• Centralizing customer information, which enhances data-driven decision-making

• Automating routine tasks, freeing up time for sales teams to focus on building relationships and closing deals

• Standardizing sales processes to ensure consistency and efficiency across the organization

3. Enhancing Sales Processes

A well-defined sales process is a series of steps that sales teams follow systematically from lead generation to closing the deal. CRMs support these processes by:

• Tracking interactions and progress with each prospect

• Providing reminders and alerts for follow-ups

• Offering analytics to identify bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement

The Importance of Sales Processes

Sales processes are vital for effective sales management, providing a structured approach from initial contact to deal closure. They ensure that sales teams remain focused and consistent, increasing their chances of success. By standardizing activities, these processes reduce time spent on administrative tasks, allowing salespeople to concentrate on building relationships and closing deals. Automation within CRM systems further enhances efficiency by handling repetitive tasks like data entry and follow-ups.

A well-defined sales process also improves the customer experience. Consistent interactions build trust, as prospects receive a uniform level of service. For example, timely follow-ups and personalized communication foster positive perceptions and customer loyalty. Moreover, sales processes integrate sales and marketing efforts through shared data and insights. This collaboration ensures that both teams are aligned, enhancing overall strategy effectiveness. Marketing insights help sales teams understand lead behavior, while sales feedback improves lead quality and campaign success.

Finally, clear sales processes define roles and responsibilities within the team, improving accountability and teamwork. Each team member knows their specific tasks, reducing overlap and enhancing efficiency.

In summary, CRMs have made sales management more efficient and data-driven, enabling organizations to enhance their customer relationships and boost their sales outcomes. This foundational shift in sales management sets the stage for a similar transformation in innovation management, as new tools and methodologies emerge to streamline and enhance business renewal processes.

Emerging Trends in Innovation Management

Innovation management is becoming increasingly critical for B2B organizations striving to maintain a competitive edge. As businesses face rapid technological advancements and shifting market demands, a systematic approach to innovation is essential. According to McKinsey & Company, “84% of executives say innovation is important to their growth strategy, but only 6% are satisfied with their innovation performance.” This gap highlights the need for more effective tools and methodologies.

Currently, many companies rely on idea crowdsourcing and management platforms to collect and manage innovative ideas from employees, customers, and stakeholders. While these platforms democratize idea generation and increase engagement, they often fall short in transforming these ideas into actionable business strategies. Forrester Research notes that “companies using idea management platforms report a 21% increase in innovation outcomes,” but the challenge remains in effectively implementing these ideas.

The real transformation in innovation management lies in adopting systems that go beyond idea collection to ensure secure and strategic implementation of innovations. Just as CRM systems provide a centralized and comprehensive approach to managing customer relationships, new innovation management tools must offer a similar centralized approach for handling ideas from conception to execution.

Scale is transforming business renewal and innovation management by providing clear tools for idea-to-market execution.

A systematic, process-led approach to innovation management involves several key components. First, it requires a robust framework for evaluating and prioritizing ideas based on strategic alignment, potential impact, and feasibility. This ensures that resources are allocated to the most promising initiatives. Second, it involves structured processes for developing, testing, and scaling innovations. By following a clear, repeatable process, organizations can reduce the risk associated with new initiatives and increase the likelihood of success.

These integrated platforms function much like CRMs but are tailored to manage the innovation lifecycle. They include modules for idea capture and evaluation, project management, and progress tracking. For instance, once an idea is submitted, the platform can route it through a predefined evaluation process where it is scored and prioritized based on criteria such as market potential, alignment with company strategy, and resource requirements.

Once an idea is prioritized, the platform supports the development phase with project management tools that help teams plan, execute, and monitor progress. This includes setting milestones, assigning tasks, and tracking deadlines, all while ensuring that all team members are aligned and informed. These tools often integrate with other enterprise systems, allowing for seamless data flow and real-time updates.

Moreover, the platforms facilitate secure collaboration, ensuring that sensitive information is protected while enabling efficient communication among team members. Tools like Microsoft Teams and Slack can be utilised alongside these platforms to provide a cohesive environment where innovation teams can work together effectively.

When teams use these platforms, data is collected as a side product. This data allows organizations to quantify the actual progress of their initiatives. With this data, leadership gains comprehensive insights not only at the initiative level but also across the entire portfolio of innovation efforts. This ability to quantify progress and outcomes makes it possible to compare impacts and implications systematically, much like the benefits seen with CRM systems. Such insights help in making informed decisions, optimizing resource allocation, and ensuring that innovation strategies are effectively driving business growth.

In conclusion, while current idea management tools help gather innovative ideas, the future of innovation management lies in adopting comprehensive platforms that manage the entire lifecycle of innovation. These platforms will enable B2B organizations to transform ideas into actionable strategies securely and systematically, ensuring sustained business growth and competitiveness. Just as CRMs revolutionized sales management, these new innovation management tools are set to transform how companies innovate and renew their business strategies.

The Transformation of Business Renewal

The concept of business renewal is integral to maintaining a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market environment. Business renewal involves continually updating and improving business strategies, processes, and products to respond to changes in the market and technological landscape. As companies strive to innovate, the role of comprehensive innovation management platforms becomes increasingly crucial.

Traditionally, business renewal has been a reactive process, with companies making changes only in response to clear threats or opportunities. However, with the advent of advanced innovation management tools, organizations can adopt a more proactive and strategic approach. In fact, according to a report by Deloitte, the most important internal success factors identified by companies were leadership support and having a clear innovation strategy.

One key advantage of these platforms is their ability to align innovation efforts with overall business goals. By providing a centralized system for managing the innovation lifecycle, from idea generation to implementation, these tools ensure that every innovation initiative is strategically aligned with the company's vision and objectives. This alignment is critical for effective business renewal, as it ensures that resources are focused on projects that offer the highest potential for impact.

Innovation team working together. (Photo by Fox)

Moreover, these platforms enhance the capability for disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation refers to the development of new products or services that significantly alter the market landscape and create new value networks. With structured processes and comprehensive evaluation frameworks, companies can better identify and develop disruptive innovations. This proactive approach not only helps companies stay ahead of the curve but also positions them as leaders in their respective industries.

Another significant benefit of using integrated innovation management tools is the improved alignment between new product development and market needs. By incorporating market research and customer feedback into the innovation process, companies can ensure that their new products and services meet actual market demands. This reduces the risk of product failure and increases the chances of market success.

A prime example of effective business renewal is IBM's transformation over the past decade. By adopting a systematic approach to innovation and integrating advanced management tools, IBM has been able to shift from a hardware-centric business model to a leading provider of cloud computing and AI solutions. This strategic renewal has allowed IBM to remain competitive and continue to grow in a rapidly changing market.

In conclusion, the transformation of business renewal through advanced innovation management platforms is paving the way for sustained competitive advantage. These platforms enable B2B organizations to adopt a proactive and strategic approach to innovation, ensuring that their efforts are aligned with business goals, capable of driving disruptive change, and responsive to market needs. As companies continue to embrace these tools, they are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern business environment and achieve long-term success. Just as CRMs revolutionized sales management, these new innovation management tools are set to redefine how companies approach business renewal and innovation.

Case Studies and Examples

To illustrate the transformative impact of comprehensive innovation management platforms, let's explore two examples of large corporations that have successfully implemented these tools to drive business renewal and innovation.

One notable case is a global leader in industrial manufacturing and technology with a centralized innovation function. This company adopted a systematic innovation management platform to streamline its processes across the organization. By leveraging this platform, they provided clear guidance to their centralized innovation team throughout the innovation lifecycle. This structured approach significantly reduced reliance on external consultants, resulting in substantial cost savings. Specifically, the company reported a 40% reduction in consultancy expenses.

Additionally, the platform provided better visibility into the actual innovation portfolio, allowing leadership to understand how the portfolio was performing in real-time. This improved visibility enabled the company to generate more insightful and accurate reports, which were previously built manually for leadership purposes. With the automated reporting features of the platform, leadership could make more informed decisions and strategically steer the innovation efforts. The centralized platform also facilitated seamless communication and coordination across different departments, ensuring that innovation efforts were aligned with overall business goals. As a result, the company not only maintained its competitive edge but also enhanced its ability to innovate efficiently and effectively.

In contrast, a multinational conglomerate known for its diverse product portfolio operates with a decentralized innovation function, distributing innovation responsibilities across individual business units. This organization implemented an integrated innovation management system that facilitated collaboration and provided robust project management tools within each business unit. The centralized platform helped guide teams through each stage of development and ensured alignment with strategic goals, even within a decentralized structure. By reducing the time and cost associated with bringing new products to market and enabling systematic evaluation and prioritization of ideas, the company was able to allocate resources more efficiently. A specific benefit the conglomerate achieved was a 30% increase in the success rate of new product launches, driven by improved resource allocation and focused innovation efforts.

These examples highlight the significant benefits that large corporations can achieve by adopting comprehensive innovation management platforms. Whether operating with a centralized or decentralized innovation function, these platforms provide structured guidance to teams, reduce reliance on external consultation, and enable better investment decisions. By enhancing their ability to develop and implement new ideas, these organizations ensure that their innovation efforts are aligned with strategic business goals. The centralized nature of these platforms facilitates seamless communication, coordination, and data collection, driving sustainable growth and maintaining a competitive edge in today's rapidly changing market.

In summary, these case studies demonstrate the transformative potential of advanced innovation management platforms. These platforms enable companies to systematically manage their innovation processes from idea generation to execution, ensuring that their innovation efforts are both efficient and strategically aligned. As more organizations adopt these tools, they are better positioned to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape and achieve long-term success.


As demonstrated by the examples above, comprehensive innovation management platforms offer significant advantages to organizations, whether they operate with centralized or decentralized innovation functions. These platforms provide structured guidance to teams, reduce reliance on external consultants, and enable better investment decisions, all while ensuring alignment with strategic business goals.

By adopting these advanced tools, companies can enhance their ability to develop and implement new ideas efficiently and effectively. The centralized nature of these platforms facilitates seamless communication, coordination, and data collection, which is crucial for driving sustainable growth and maintaining a competitive edge. Furthermore, the automated reporting and real-time visibility into innovation portfolios empower leadership with the insights needed to make informed decisions and strategically steer their innovation efforts.

Just as CRM systems revolutionized sales management by providing a centralized approach to customer relationship management, innovation management platforms are set to transform how companies approach business renewal and innovation. These platforms not only streamline the innovation process from idea generation to execution but also ensure that innovation efforts are both efficient and strategically aligned.

As more organizations adopt these tools, they are better positioned to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape and achieve long-term success. Embracing a systematic, process-led approach to innovation management will enable businesses to stay ahead of market trends, capitalize on new opportunities, and drive sustained growth in an increasingly competitive environment.

Introducing the Scale Platform

The Scale Platform exemplifies everything discussed above, providing a comprehensive solution for innovation management and business renewal. Designed to streamline the entire innovation lifecycle, the Scale Platform offers robust tools for idea capture, evaluation, project management, and progress tracking. It enables organizations to provide clear guidance to their innovation teams, whether centralized or decentralized, ensuring that all efforts are aligned with strategic business goals.

One of the standout features of the Scale Platform is its ability to provide real-time visibility into the innovation portfolio. Leadership can gain comprehensive insights into the performance of individual initiatives and the overall portfolio, allowing for more informed decision-making. The platform’s automated reporting capabilities eliminate the need for manual report creation, saving time and providing accurate, up-to-date information that helps drive strategic innovation efforts.

Additionally, the Scale Platform facilitates seamless communication and collaboration across different departments and business units. This integration ensures that innovation efforts are coordinated and that valuable insights and data are shared effectively throughout the organization.

If you’re looking to transform your approach to innovation management and drive your business renewal efforts, the Scale Platform is an excellent choice. To experience the benefits firsthand, we invite you to sign up for a free 14-day trial. This trial will allow you to explore the platform’s features and see how it can enhance your innovation processes and business outcomes.

At Scale Company, we have developed a solution that makes innovation management significantly more predictable.

Our solution allows organisations to start measuring progress and tracking the success of their innovation efforts in a more effective way.

Want to learn how we can help your organisation?
Book a demo with us!